Sunday, September 22, 2013

Whole30 Day 6 Super Duper Yummy Breakfast!

I decided to participate in the Whole30, and seeing that it is after midnight I just completed day 6! Woo Hoo!  To be honest it hasn't been that hard since I have items in my fridge to throw together.  Wayne and I were talking about it today and I told him I'm surprised I have made it this far.  He started laughing and complimented me on keeping with it, especially with all the temptation.  There was a plate of Hershey Kisses on the coffee table.  I signed up for the Whole30, not Wayne and not my roommate.  So I have not gone through the house and thrown everything away that has sugar, dairy, grains, legumes in it and I haven't thrown away the processed foods either.

Friday night for instance I made a Whole30 compliant dinner including a yummy avocado dressing.  However there is an avocado dressing I made for Wayne before that has Greek yogurt (I admit is out of this world delicious).  So I made that for him.  For last night's dinner (Saturday night) I made a Chocolate Chili (Whole30 approved) and I ate that with some cauliflower, olives and onions & my dressing.  While Wayne ate some jalapeno cheddar sausages he grilled.  Some he topped with the chili and some with the Greek yogurt avocado dressing.

OKAY I have to tell you about breakfast!  It was YUMMY!  However I have to make a confession, I totally stalked Hannah's blog, Shanks for the Memories to find the recipe.  I posted a question on my Facebook asking if anyone had done the Whole30 and Hannah said she had.  Well I thought to myself that she is a way better blogger than I am and I bet she blogged about it and SHE DID!  It was encouraging to read a blog by someone I know who has done the Whole30 because it made it more attainable to me.  If that sounds weird, I'm okay with that...I'm weird!  Anyways she posted a Breakfast Egg Casserole Recipe and I thought I'm going to try that.  Now I did make the sausage but I used ground beef because that is what I had and I substitute mushrooms for the zucchini.  I told Wayne that I have made a couple different breakfast casseroles in my day, but they have either had milk or cheese or both in them.  With this casserole I don't miss them!  Truth be told I am looking forward to breakfast in seven hours.  Try it, you will thank me later!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Baby I'm back!

Dude I have not posted in months!  Well I blame Wayne ;)  Who is Wayne you may ask?  He is the amazing man that I am marrying in 44 days!!!!  It has been a whirlwind for sure!
  • On January 18, 2013 God brought him to my doorstep.  I was hosting a movie night for the Singles Sunday School Class and someone invited him.
  • January 27, 2013 he asked me out to dinner.  I was super nervous!
  • February 6th we went on our first date to Cafe Trio.  He gave me Christopher Elbow Drinking Chocolate as a gift!  The guy is smart!
  • March 4th we made it official as boyfriend and girlfriend.
  • March 27th he PROPOSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • November 2, 2013 is our Wedding Day!
God has blessed me with a man of prayer!  He loves the Lord and has a desire to love me like Christ loves the Church.  I had no idea what it felt like to be cherished and cared for.