Friday, December 9, 2011

Wonderful Grace of Jesus

"Wonderful grace, all sufficient for me, for even me;  Broader than the scope of my transgressions, Greater far than all my sin and shame; O magnify the precious name of Jesus, Praise His name!"

I can't tell you how many times I have sang this hymn at my old church.  I do love CCM, but I have a love of hymns.  I sing them in my head when I'm stressed or in a scary situation (like my ER visit last week).  God has been re-wiring my thinking and helping me get rid of some "stinkin' thinkin.'" I can't believe that He sent His son to die on the cross for my sins.  I am a new creation in Him, I am the daughter of the King!  His grace is all sufficient for me, for even me.  I can't believe that I lived so many years in captivity of my sin and shame.  He bestows so much grace and mercy on us and I have been convicted, How gracious am I towards others?  How gracious am I towards other Christians who aren't gracious towards others?

Thank you Lord, God for Your grace, mercy, love, and forgiveness!  Thank you Lord for the people you have placed in my life and Lord please help me to be sensitive to Your leading of how I am to minister to them.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Be Authentic

Why do we as Christians make things harder than they have to be?  Instead of trying to show the world how "cool" we are, why can't we just be transparent and say, "We love Jesus.  We love you.  We want to serve you & hope that you come to a personal relationship with Jesus."  That's it!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Full Throttle

"Sometimes beginning is a challenge and sometimes ending is a challenge but CONTINUING – day in, day out, in what you know to be right or what you know to be your present charge from God -  now, THAT’S where the endurance comes. That’s where the enemy takes us down over and over." - Beth Moore

It's funny to me how many times God has to tell me the same thing over and over again.  I just read this, but the funny thing is today in Sunday School we were in Acts and the teacher was talking about Paul and how he was full throttle kind of guy.  When he was saw and persecuting Christians he was 100% at it, when he was converted then he was 100% out for Christ and telling others about Him.  The teacher said that we need to be more like Paul full throttle doing the last thing God told us, until He tells us the next thing.  (Now obviously God didn't tell Paul before his conversion to persecute & kill Christians.)

Sometimes I get so caught up in the next thing, praying and begging God to show me what His plan for me is, instead of being content and running my race, the race He has for me.

Saturday, July 30, 2011


Ridiculous!!!! That's right ridiculous...I'm vitamin deficient: B6, B12, D & E.  I've googled all of these and it comes down to nutrition.  NUTRITION!!!!  I love grocery stores, cooking, cooking shows, recipes, however I'm not using any of that knowledge for my benefit.  That stops NOW!
Thank you Lord, God for leading my doctors to refer to my new neurologist!  Thank you Lord, for bringing this to my attention before my health took a severe down turn.  Lord please help me not to wallor in my self pity and failures, but to persevere.  Lord also please help me to remember that this body isn't mine, it is Yours and that it is Your temple!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

City Market

Oh my!  I haven't posted in quite sometime.  Today I finally was able to experience the City Market!!!!  It was wonderful!!!!  The wide variety of vegetables, flowers, products and I discovered an Italian Deli.  When I went to Philly to visit my nieces, my brother introduced me to an Italian Deli down there and I have been longing to go back ever be honest the moment I took a bite of the prosciutto & cheese stuffed cherry pepper I wanted to run back for more.  Guess what they had them at the one in City Market...Super Yeah!!!!  I bought a couple of them, some artichokes in olive oil & seasoning and some Italian sausage.  There was also this fabulous bread company there and I bought some Challah bread.  I also purchased some kale & basil from some local farmers.  I'm so excited about what I'm having for dinner tonight baby!!!!  I'm officially in love and can't wait to go back.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Okay so here is my little rant about dating....

Just b/c I'm single doesn't mean I'm desperate, it also doesn't mean I have commitment issues.  I want a love story, a how we met story that I can tell my kids and grandchildren.  I want to date a guy with purpose, not date a guy just to get a free meal.  Dating is a pathway to marriage.  You get to know a person and decide if you're path together will continue or end.  As a woman I need to pay attention, are the qualities this guy displaying qualities I would want my figurative future son to have or qualities my figurative daughter's husband to have.  I'm tired of people either intentionally or not trying to rob me of my love story.  I know I'm 28 and in some people's books I'm too old to be single or on the road to spinster hood or whatever.  God has a better plan for me than they do.  I'm finally figuring out what I want in a potential mate and I won't settle and I won't bend to peer pressure trying to make me settle for them to feel better.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I survived!

Hehehe....the first day with the personal trainer went way better than I thought!  It was nice to see that I could do more than I thought my body could do.  She did give me a diet plan that includes lentil soup so now I am on a hunt for lentil soup recipes.

I'm fortunate that I can listen to music, sermons or talk radio while I'm at work...I'll be honest talk radio isn't something I listen to.  I've been listening to Mark Driscoll preach through the book of Nehemiah and it has been amazing.  I know some people aren't Driscoll fans, but I have listened to alot of his sermons and have yet to find something I disagree with.  Plus you aren't going to agree with everyone all the time.  Back to Nehemiah he was in chapter 5 and talking about hospitality and it opened my eyes to the fact that hospitality involves more than inviting someone over for dinner and making them feel welcome.  It also involves the way one interacts with others period.  This really convicted me because when I'm out and about my main objective is to go unnoticed.  I will look at my feet when I walk or I will check my Facebook and texts alot or I will read a book if I have to wait in line somewhere (I always have a book on me).  With this conviction reminded me of a dear friend who once during bible study said when she goes to the grocery store she smiles ALOT, she makes eye contact with others and says hello and her goal is for others to see Jesus in her.  How are others going to see Jesus in me if I'm looking at the ground and have my don't even look at me face on????? 

Monday, January 3, 2011

Dum De Dum Dum

Tomorrow is my first day with the personal trainer.....


Hello World! (okay hello 3 people who took the time to read this)

I titled my blog Jesus Cowgirl, because I love Jesus and b/c I embrace my country roots if you will.  I decided to create this blog to allow those I care about to be apart of the journey that I am on.  I want to grow in my relationship with God, my Father; I need healing for wounds that I have chosen to ignore; I need a space to type out my thoughts and work through them; and I want to be transparent.  Let's get some hitch in our giddy up :)