Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Day 41 - Afternoon Acts of Kindness

"Teach me your way, Lord, that I may rely on your faithfulness; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name.  I will praise you, Lord my God, with all my heart; I will glorify your name forever."  Psalm 86: 11-12

Thought for the Day:  What if I could be courageous enough to act and react like a complete person - a Jesus girl who is filled, sustained, and directed by God's joy?

Dear Lord, I want to be courageous enough to act and react like a complete person today.  Please help me to see areas where I need to change and grow.  I desire to crave You and Your truths more than anything else because You are the ultimate filler of my heart.  In Jesus' name.  Amen.

Today's Made to Crave Devotional, Lysa was talking about how instead of turning to a snack when someone says something ridiculous to her, that she prays for the Lord to place someone on her heart to encourage.  This reminded me of something Beth Moore said about the power of acknowledgement.  What that means is acknowledging someone's presence.  For example I try to interact with the cashier and ask them about their day.  It is amazing what that can do to someone's day.  I know that not by them telling me, but by the fact that I know how it feels to feel ignored, & looked over.

Day 40 - The Curse of the Skinny Jeans

"For He chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight."  Ephesians 1:4

Thought for the Day:  Tying our happiness to food, skinny jeans, relationships, or anything else sets us up for failure.  But tying our security, joy, and identity to God's love is an anchor we can cling to no matter what our circumstances may be.

pg 126, Made to Crave Devotional
(I substituted my name.)

  • Mary, the forgiven child of God (Romans 3:24)
  • Mary, the set-free child of God (Romans 8:1-2)
  • Mary, the accepted child of God (1 Corinthians 1:2)
  • Mary, the holy child of God (1 Corinthians 1:30)
  • Mary, the made-new child of God (2 Corinthians 5:17)
  • Mary, the loved child of God (Ephesians 1:4)
  • Mary, the confident child of God (Ephesians 3:12)
  • Mary, the victorious child of God (Romans 8:37)

Day 39 - The Power of "I Can"

"Everything is permissible for me' - but not everything is beneficial."  1 Corinthians 6:12a

Thought for the Day:  Lest we start mourning what will be lost, we must celebrate all that's being gained through our pursuit of health.  "I can" instead of "I can't" is a powerful little twist of phrase for a girl feeling deprived.

So pretty much I can't have bacon everyday....yeah I've dealt with that sadness.

Day 38 - I'm Not Defined by the Numbers

"We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."  2 Corinthians 10:5

Thought for the Day:  A scale is an excellent tool for determining our weight, but it is a terrible tool for determining our worth.

Lord, I want this truth to sink deeply into my heart and my mind.  Help me to remember to process the thoughts and comments of others through the filter of this question: "Is this true, beneficial, and necessary?"  In Jesus' name.  Amen.

God's timing is funny, I actually read Day 38 a couple of days ago, but am just now typing it up.  I know, I know you aren't surprised...lol.  As I'm typing this I have been mulling over an annoyance by a friend, which of course isn't processing the comments through the filter in the prayer.  Man there are days I can't wait to get to Glory because I know there I will finally stop putting my foot in my mouth.

Day 37 - I Could Never Give Up That!

"The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control."  Galations 5:22-23a

Thought for the Day:  By God's power, we are empowered.  Humanly speaking, this is impossible.  But with God, everything is possible.

Dear Lord, I don't want to be caught making the statement, "I could never give up that!"  Instead, I want to believe that self-control is possible because of Your strength.  I want each of my decisions today to be made from a heart full of confidence and peace in You.  In Jesus' name.  Amen.

I don't have anything to add to today's Made to Crave Devotional.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Day 36 - I Want Legs Like Hers

"A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones."  Proverbs 14:30

Thought for the Day: Every situation has both good and bad.  When I want someone else's good, I must realize that I'm also asking for the bad that comes along with it.

"...but envy rots the bones."  OUCH!  I'm grateful (not boastful) to say that envy isn't something I struggle with all the time.  Oh I do have moments of struggle with envy, especially on ugly/fat days.  Guys don't understand those days, because no matter what a guy looks like he will look in the mirror & think "I look GOOD!"  I am working on being healthier but I can say for probably the first time in my life, I like the way I look.  Again please don't take that as prideful, because that is not my intent.  Last year the Lord convicted me about being an image bearer of Christ & that my body is a temple.  Well since I am an image bearer of Christ & my body is a temple, it doesn't make since for me to constantly be hatin' on my looks, shape, etc.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Day 35 - You Were Made For More!

Today I'm changing the title of today's entry in the Made to Crave Devotional to I was made for more!

"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, and his incomparably great power for us who believe."  Ephesians 1:18-19a

Thought for the Day:  We were made for more!  More than the failure, more than this vicious cycle of defeat, more than being ruled by our taste buds, body image, rationalizations, and guilt.  We were made for victory.

Dear Lord, thank You for the truth that I am made for more.  Please help me to soak this truth in and to live it out.  Enlighten the eyes of my heart so I may believe and receive what You have for me today.  Show me a new perspective as I seek to honor You with my choices.  In Jesus' name.  Amen

I am grateful that the Lord loves, especially with how stubborn & downright stupid I can be sometimes.  To get something through my thick skull the Lord used a person to put a mirror to the insecurities I tell myself over & over, He used the Miss & Mrs event last night, this devotional & a Christian man I trust to speak some truth to me.  Now of course these people didn't know the Lord was using them, but oh I did!  Even to type the following words I have value are almost tearful for me to type.  Ridiculous I know!  I hate quoting this movie but it is true in Pretty Woman, Julie Roberts' character tells Richard Gere that, "the bad words are easier to believe."  They may be easier to believe, however that doesn't make them true!  I have value as the daughter of the King.  As a person of value I have the right to set boundaries & set stricter ones with those who treat me like I don't have value.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

High Five Friday Coming to You on Tuesday???

This past weekend was soooooooooo crazy busy that I didn't have time to post my High to the Five Friday. Once again thank you to the six people who read my blog for your patience!

1.  My dear friend John had an EIGHT hour surgery on Monday.  Praise God he came out of it well & he was released on Friday to go home!!!

2.  This week was the one year anniversary of my dad's death.  The Lord has provided me with some dear people in my life who came along side me to pray with me, to encourage me & to acknowledge my hurt and sit with me.  One dear friend just sat there on the phone & let me cry.  The Lord has been abundantly gracious to me.

3.  Saturday I worked for Totta Italian Sausage at a local grocery store.  I did a food demo.  If you haven't tried this sausage you are MISSING out!  A. It was great to work! B. It was fun interacting with people and introducing them to a great local product.  C.  I received a surprise visit from a friend and was able to bless them with an introduction to Must-A-Kraut!

4.  Also on Saturday was the celebration of Ross & Chris & their 27th birthdays with a combo Super Hero Birthday Party.
I was the Fictionist, my super power: Unfiction - the power to turn any fiction story true...scary huh?
I made my mask out of make up...that was my fave part of my costume :)

5.  I know it isn't a new thing, but this past week I have been especially grateful for my support system of friends.  A sweet friend in California talking to me late at night about a ridiculous situation.  A pastor checking on me to see how I was handling last week.  Text messages from some of the funniest people I know that seriously made me laugh out loud.  I hope that I can be at least half the encouragement they are to me, to them.

Day 34 - Overweight Physically and Underweight Spiritually

Finally caught up with my posts...I am glad to report that I have been reading the Made to Crave Devotional daily, just not posting about it.

"If you want to be perfect [whole], go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven.  Then come, follow me."  Matthew 19:21

Thought for the Day:  Nothing changes until we make the choice to redirect our misguided cravings to the only one capable of satisfying them.

pg110 "Jesus meant his comment for anyone who wallows in whatever abundance they have.  I imagine Jesus looked straight into this man's soul and said, 'I want you to give up the one thing that you crave more than me."

Dear Lord, I admit that there are plenty of times that I am overweight physically and underweight spiritually.  Help me to give up anything I crave more than You.  I want to redirect my misguided cravings to You because You are the only one capable of satisfying them.  In Jesus' name.  Amen.

To work on redirecting my misguided cravings I have taken to prayer journaling before I go to sleep.  It has been helpful to write out to God what is going on in my head & it has actually been helping me to sleep straight through the night.  I haven't been able to do that on a consistent basis for years like over a decade.  I am grateful that God loves me through my mistakes and my stumbling!

Day 33 - Why Shouldn't I Indulge?

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made."  Psalm 139:14a

Thought for the Day:  In its proper context, eating is not the problem.  God gave us food for nourishment, strength, and even celebration.  the problem comes when pleasure is unrestrained.

Dear Lord, if I'm being honest with myself and You, I know sometimes I rely on food more than I rely on You.  I want to recalibrate my soul and change for the right reasons.  I want to see You in and through this entire process.  Please be with me, Lord, each day.  In Jesus' name. Amen.

Here's the deal, I typically read this devotion in the morning before I start my day, but that didn't happen yesterday.  I read it before I went to bed of course after I made an unhealthy, indulgent decision!!!!!  Man that is ridiculous!

Day 32 - A Deeper Purpose for Exercise

"Therefore, because of you the heavens have withheld their dew and the earth its crops."  Haggai 1:10

Thought for the Day:  If we are really honest, we have to admit: we make time for what we want to make time for.

So I know that I have mentioned more than once that even though the Made to Crave Devotional is about one's journey spiritual journey & where food falls into that, that I am using this devotional in other aspects in my life as well.  What do I want to make time for?  What do I actually make time for?  This reminds of a pastor who said something to the effect that we can say what we believe, but how we live our lives is the true testament of what we believe.  What does my life tell others that I believe?  What does my life tell others, what my priorities are?

Day 31 - The Very Next Step You Take

Today is catch up day for me....

"Just as you used to offer yourselves as slaves to impurity and to ever-increasing wickedness, so now offer yourselves as slaves to righteousness leading to holiness." Romans 6:19

Thought for the Day:  Victory isn't a place we arrive at and then relax.  Victory is when we pick something healthy over something not beneficial for us - again and again.

This really spoke to me about picking the healthier choice.  Not just with food or exercise, but also in relationships.  Choosing to spend one's time with the healthier friendships over the toxic ones.  Also that knowing that we aren't always going to make the healthier choice, but just because we mess up this time doesn't mean we have to mess up next time.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Day 30 - Is It Sustainable?

"Since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God." 2 Corinthians 7:1

Though for the Day:  Holiness doesn't just deal with my spiritual life; it very much deals with my physical life as well.

Today's entry in the Made to Crave Devotional is about sacrifice & discipline....ouch!  Two points Lysa made today:

  1. "We often desire the long-term solution, but shy away from the actions necessary to reach our goal."  I hate to admit it but I totally am like this.  I will then get frustrated with my failure and decide that I'm going to change my ways in every area & take on entirely too much, once again setting myself up for failure.
  2. "Moment by moment we can make the choice to live in our own strength and risk failure or to reach across the gap and grab hold of God's unwavering strength.  And the beautiful thing is, the more dependent we become on God's strength, the less enamored we are with other choices."  Living in my own strength is a constant struggle of mine.  It doesn't make any sense either, because I know I can't do anything apart from God.  But that doesn't stop me from trying!  However I am thankful that He loves me no matter how stubborn & ridiculous I may be.
This morning I was paying bills & stressing over when am I going to find a job?  But then the Lord convicted me about His provision & His timing and how perfect they are.  I need to take things one day at a time, so even though I didn't start the day off that way, I am going to try to finish the day that way.