Saturday, January 21, 2012

High Five Friday on Saturday

Hello all!

Yesterday was super busy so I wasn't able to post my High Five Friday post that I'm linking with Shanks for the Memories on Friday, so I ask for your forgiveness :)

1. So I have a confession....I LOVE OFFICE SUPPLIES!  Back to School time is one of my favorite times of the year, because of all the specials on pencils, pens, highlighters, notebooks, etc.  At work on Tuesday my boss surprised me with coolest, prettiest tape dispenser I have ever seen.  When she handed it to me I actually squealed and jumped with excitement!

2.  Thursday night I was able to shop at my beloved Trader Joe's and the exciting part was that they had heirloom tomatoes!  I know you are thinking heirloom tomatoes this time of year?  I know I could hardly believe it either.  I bought some fresh mozzarella & some balsamic vinegar and the three together was delightfully delicious :)

3.  My car broke down at the perfect time.  When one reads that statement they may be perplexed, but I've given this a lot of thought. Here are my reasons for the perfect timing statement:

  • I broke down 5 minutes away from my house, not on the I70, not in Westport, & not in downtown; all places I had been in my pursuit of groceries that night.
  • It broke down Thursday night, instead of Friday morning on my way to work.  I would've been stuck on the side of 291 and been late to work.  I open the office & Friday mornings are always a little crazy.
  • It broke down within the required mileage of my emergency roadside service to be towed to my preferred mechanic The Auto Clinic.  If you ever need any work on your car go there, they are fair, honest & do great work.
True no one wants their car to break down but praise be to God for keeping me safe and orchestrating all the details to work out.

4.  Friday night I was able to spend some time with one of my favorite couples and their kids.  Aaron & Jessica are going to be missionaries in France!  It has been a long time coming and it has been encouraging to see them pursue what God has for them.  I was their guinea pig for the presentation Aaron has put together to inform others about their ministry & how we can help support them.  I dearly love this couple and am grateful to God that He chose for us to be apart of each other's lives!  I am super excited to see how God uses them to minister to the French :)

5.  The Sunday School class that I attend is going on a ski trip next month.  I had signed up and paid the deposit with the idea that it would be great just to get away and see the beautiful landscape; I never planned to ski.  However with my new mission of taking better care of myself so that I can be the healthiest I can be in my condition; I had to drop out of the ski trip.  I made the singles pastor aware and I have been looking for someone to take my place and that person would pay the remainder balance.  A couple people had approached me that they may be able to go but they would have to let me know.  So this week I had been praying for someone to take the spot, I just hated the idea of paying for a spot on the ski trip and no one take it.  Well with the next payment due date being on Sunday and me being fully prepared to keep my word and pay the remainder; I found out Friday that someone could take my place!!!!  I know the Sunday School class is going to have a great time & I'm proud of myself for keeping my health a priority :)

Saturday, January 14, 2012

So I'm taking the Plunge....

...I have joined the online dating world.  In the past I have attempted online dating, but have psyched myself out of it.  2012 brings a new year and apparently this is the year that I am ready to brave this new world.  I plan on bringing you (the 5 followers of my blog) along for the ride with me.  So buckle up and we will see where this takes us :)

Do you know what day it is???? High Five Friday!

Hello everyone I am linking up with Hannah for High Five Friday!  For those of you wondering what High Five Friday is, the basic premise is looking back at the week and choosing five positive moments.

1. Monday has become weigh in Monday and I am happy to report that I have lost 3lbs!!!  I can't say enough nice things about Spark People.  The nutrition & fitness trackers are incredibly helpful; they have exercise videos; recipes & diet plans; and it is FREE!

2.  Some ladies and I have started the Patriarchs Bible Study by Beth Moore.  This first week has been great, not only am I learning so much, but I get to use markers, highlighters, pencils & colored pencils :)  I'm looking forward to expounding more on the Bible study next Friday.

3.  Book Club met this week and it was a super great!  This is the first book club I have been apart of, and I am thankful :)  I love to read and it has been interesting hearing the other ladies' opinions about the book.  We laughed, we prayed, we ate!  Monday morning was great b/c of the weight loss, but something happened an hour before Book Club and I thought about not going, but I'm so grateful I did.  There is just a comfort that happens when fellowshipping with other Christian women.  God has blessed with an amazing group of friends!

4.  Wednesday I was able to spend my lunch break talking with a dear woman in my life.  She has been like a mother to me and I don't get to see her as much as I would like.  We were talking about a situation that I had prayed heavily over and was sure that I handled it the way the Lord had led.  However you know how it goes sometimes you doubt, was that really what I was suppose to do?  While we were catching up and I shared the situation with her, she brought up a consequence that could have happened if I had handled things differently.  Thank you Lord for getting rid of all doubt!

5.  Last weekend a group of us went to see Tim Hawkins, if you don't know who he is check out this link Tim on Hand Sanitizer.  But I do warn you that checking out that YouTube video will start you on a path of checking out his other videos and before you know it, hours have passed :)  Okay back to the group of us going we all were able to get our pictures taken with him and here is our photo, I call it Walmart Gangstas

Have a great weekend y'all!

Friday, January 6, 2012

High Five Friday

So lovely Ms Hannah, writer of Shanks for the Memories, participates in High Five Friday!  What is High Five Friday?  It is when you list your top five fave things of the week.  I have decided to give it a whirl :)

1.  I had Monday off!!!  Originally we were suppose to be open on Monday and to be honest I was slightly bummed, but I figured I wouldn't complain about 40 hours on my paycheck.  But then they decided we would be closed and I got all little kid excited.  Weird, I know!  I didn't realize how much I need just a day without any commitments, a true day off and believe me it was S-W-E-E-T!

2.  I was invited over for dinner, by one of my favorite couples on the planet Anthony & Debbie Totta.  I have been blessed beyond measure by their friendship.  Debbie is transparent and makes a point of asking me what God is teaching me.  After dinner I helped her frost her teddy bear shaped sugar cookies with pink icing & pink sprinkles, and I enjoyed a cup of coffee with a homemade almond biscotti.  Earlier that day their granddaughter was born, Debbie baked cookies and biscotti for people to enjoy when they come visit the proud parents & baby.  Talk about teaching me a lesson in hospitality, I thought it was enough that the mom gave birth and there is a beautiful baby girl to see.  Bonus for me Debbie sent me home with biscotti, so at work I have taken a coffee & biscotti break each day :)

3.  I've recently started the Bible study "No Other gods" by Kelly Minter and it has been amazing!  God has used this study to open my eyes up to what all the different idols & gods that its possible to have.  There are the  usual: money, sex, fame, etc.  I was awaken to the fact that they can be anything that we focus on more than we focus on God. OUCH!  Its also given me a different perspective when reading the Old Testament and it tells us of people worshiping their gods, I don't just think of little wooden statutes anymore.  Seeing those verses in this new light has really made them jump off the page and convict me.  I don't want there to be anything that I value more than God.  Its tough taken a hard look at one's life and saying okay this has got to go or better tone this down or run as fast as you possibly can from that.

4.  I was able to pick out the perfect birthday present for one of my plumber's.  I know that may sound silly, but I take gift giving seriously.  I want to give someone a gift that will bring a genuine smile to their face.  My boss has put me in charge of birthdays and its fun & frustrating.  Frustrating because I think I have a hard time keeping up with which "from all of us" birthday cards I have and haven't bought.  Fun because well its just fun picking up on details in conversations and getting to know these guys and using your detective skills to pick a great gift.  Now one of my guys is super easy, I make him a breakfast casserole and he is set!  

5.  God made it clear to me that I haven't been making my health as big of a priority as I should be.  So this week was the beginning of operation Get Mary Ellen Healthy...catchy I know.  I have been making a concerted effort to get my body on a regular sleep schedule. I have been utilizing SparkPeople, I keep track of my food & water intake on there, they have exercise videos to follow, recipes, articles on everything to do with health and its all free!!!  I have been to the gym to do cardio Mon-Thurs, today I did 3 of the exercise videos (they're only 8-12 mins each).  I have seen a difference this week with my injuries from the car accident.  Its exciting!!!  I have really had to come to terms with my limitations and with that understanding I have cut out alot of activities and haven't tried to over do it this week.  If I have to live with these injuries for the rest of my life, I am going to make the best of it.  When I am as well as I can be, I can't wait serve and minister to others more!!!

There ladies & gentlemen is my High Five Friday!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

2012 Brings Some Changes

Hello & Happy New Year!

Last year when I first started this blog I had decided upon Jesus Cowgirl, b/c I had read a book where the author referred to herself as a Jesus Girl. I thought that is a great way of a woman to think of herself, how can I make it my own? Jesus Cowgirl. But to be honest the more I use my email address by the same name my spin on some one's great idea sounds immature and I'm worried disrespectful. So with that realization I have changed the address of this blog and my email address. I still think that it was a great idea to name this blog "The Path I'm On" mainly because if I used "Running My Race" some people may think this is a blog about my love of running and I will be very honest running is not a love of mine! I'm still excited about the adventure God has me on to become the woman He wants me to be. I want to follow in His steps, and when I falter I quickly get back on His path!