Thursday, October 3, 2013

A More Disciplined Life? Day 1

I am linking up with Hello Mornings and going through the book 21 Days to a More Disciplined Life by Crystal Paine.  The title of the book pretty much sums up the goal.  On Day 1, we are given an assignment to pick one Mega Project that we are going to tackle over the 21 days.  We are to work on our Mega Project everyday.  Well my Mega Project is the wedding.  It is 30 days away and I still have loads to do.  I keep telling myself I have plenty of time and that my dear friends is a lie.  I am hoping that I am not in over my head.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

You see what happened was...

Friday night my sweet man and I went out for a date to celebrate six months engaged & eight months dating.  Well due to the Whole30 our restaurant selection was narrowed greatly.  We decided to enjoy Seasons 52, if you haven't had an opportunity GO!  They change their menu with the seasons, nothing on the menu is over 475 calories and they don't cook with butter.  The food is amazing.  So I scoured the menu, asked my server multiple questions (lucky me I'm friends with the server).  I ordered and was excited to be enjoying yummy food and obeying my Whole30 guidelines.  Yeah that was short lived.  The food arrives and it looks great!  I then took a bite of the slaw and that is when I tasted it....sugar!!!!  There was a sauce used as a garnish and I didn't see it because of the way the food was plated and the dining room has romantic lighting.  So I sat there beating myself up and trying to figure out how I could possibly start the Whole30 over the next day.  I wasn't worried about getting through the 30 days themselves, my problem was what would be transpiring during this particular 30 days.  I was discussing my dilemma with Wayne and he brought up a very good point.  I will never been at this part of my life again.  We are getting married and there are events leading up to the wedding day that he doesn't want me to miss out enjoying.  So I am continuing with the Whole30 guidelines, except when I have a bridal shower for example.  This is actually harder for me than the 11 days I fulled with the Whole30.  It is harder because it is all on me, it isn't just a contracted amount of time.  I'm sorry to anyone I have disappointed.  I will say that I am grateful for the Whole30 and I saw an improvement with the changing of my eating habits and I will continue to eat this way the majority of the time.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Whole30 Day 6 Super Duper Yummy Breakfast!

I decided to participate in the Whole30, and seeing that it is after midnight I just completed day 6! Woo Hoo!  To be honest it hasn't been that hard since I have items in my fridge to throw together.  Wayne and I were talking about it today and I told him I'm surprised I have made it this far.  He started laughing and complimented me on keeping with it, especially with all the temptation.  There was a plate of Hershey Kisses on the coffee table.  I signed up for the Whole30, not Wayne and not my roommate.  So I have not gone through the house and thrown everything away that has sugar, dairy, grains, legumes in it and I haven't thrown away the processed foods either.

Friday night for instance I made a Whole30 compliant dinner including a yummy avocado dressing.  However there is an avocado dressing I made for Wayne before that has Greek yogurt (I admit is out of this world delicious).  So I made that for him.  For last night's dinner (Saturday night) I made a Chocolate Chili (Whole30 approved) and I ate that with some cauliflower, olives and onions & my dressing.  While Wayne ate some jalapeno cheddar sausages he grilled.  Some he topped with the chili and some with the Greek yogurt avocado dressing.

OKAY I have to tell you about breakfast!  It was YUMMY!  However I have to make a confession, I totally stalked Hannah's blog, Shanks for the Memories to find the recipe.  I posted a question on my Facebook asking if anyone had done the Whole30 and Hannah said she had.  Well I thought to myself that she is a way better blogger than I am and I bet she blogged about it and SHE DID!  It was encouraging to read a blog by someone I know who has done the Whole30 because it made it more attainable to me.  If that sounds weird, I'm okay with that...I'm weird!  Anyways she posted a Breakfast Egg Casserole Recipe and I thought I'm going to try that.  Now I did make the sausage but I used ground beef because that is what I had and I substitute mushrooms for the zucchini.  I told Wayne that I have made a couple different breakfast casseroles in my day, but they have either had milk or cheese or both in them.  With this casserole I don't miss them!  Truth be told I am looking forward to breakfast in seven hours.  Try it, you will thank me later!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Baby I'm back!

Dude I have not posted in months!  Well I blame Wayne ;)  Who is Wayne you may ask?  He is the amazing man that I am marrying in 44 days!!!!  It has been a whirlwind for sure!
  • On January 18, 2013 God brought him to my doorstep.  I was hosting a movie night for the Singles Sunday School Class and someone invited him.
  • January 27, 2013 he asked me out to dinner.  I was super nervous!
  • February 6th we went on our first date to Cafe Trio.  He gave me Christopher Elbow Drinking Chocolate as a gift!  The guy is smart!
  • March 4th we made it official as boyfriend and girlfriend.
  • March 27th he PROPOSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • November 2, 2013 is our Wedding Day!
God has blessed me with a man of prayer!  He loves the Lord and has a desire to love me like Christ loves the Church.  I had no idea what it felt like to be cherished and cared for.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Day 41 - Afternoon Acts of Kindness

"Teach me your way, Lord, that I may rely on your faithfulness; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name.  I will praise you, Lord my God, with all my heart; I will glorify your name forever."  Psalm 86: 11-12

Thought for the Day:  What if I could be courageous enough to act and react like a complete person - a Jesus girl who is filled, sustained, and directed by God's joy?

Dear Lord, I want to be courageous enough to act and react like a complete person today.  Please help me to see areas where I need to change and grow.  I desire to crave You and Your truths more than anything else because You are the ultimate filler of my heart.  In Jesus' name.  Amen.

Today's Made to Crave Devotional, Lysa was talking about how instead of turning to a snack when someone says something ridiculous to her, that she prays for the Lord to place someone on her heart to encourage.  This reminded me of something Beth Moore said about the power of acknowledgement.  What that means is acknowledging someone's presence.  For example I try to interact with the cashier and ask them about their day.  It is amazing what that can do to someone's day.  I know that not by them telling me, but by the fact that I know how it feels to feel ignored, & looked over.

Day 40 - The Curse of the Skinny Jeans

"For He chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight."  Ephesians 1:4

Thought for the Day:  Tying our happiness to food, skinny jeans, relationships, or anything else sets us up for failure.  But tying our security, joy, and identity to God's love is an anchor we can cling to no matter what our circumstances may be.

pg 126, Made to Crave Devotional
(I substituted my name.)

  • Mary, the forgiven child of God (Romans 3:24)
  • Mary, the set-free child of God (Romans 8:1-2)
  • Mary, the accepted child of God (1 Corinthians 1:2)
  • Mary, the holy child of God (1 Corinthians 1:30)
  • Mary, the made-new child of God (2 Corinthians 5:17)
  • Mary, the loved child of God (Ephesians 1:4)
  • Mary, the confident child of God (Ephesians 3:12)
  • Mary, the victorious child of God (Romans 8:37)

Day 39 - The Power of "I Can"

"Everything is permissible for me' - but not everything is beneficial."  1 Corinthians 6:12a

Thought for the Day:  Lest we start mourning what will be lost, we must celebrate all that's being gained through our pursuit of health.  "I can" instead of "I can't" is a powerful little twist of phrase for a girl feeling deprived.

So pretty much I can't have bacon everyday....yeah I've dealt with that sadness.

Day 38 - I'm Not Defined by the Numbers

"We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."  2 Corinthians 10:5

Thought for the Day:  A scale is an excellent tool for determining our weight, but it is a terrible tool for determining our worth.

Lord, I want this truth to sink deeply into my heart and my mind.  Help me to remember to process the thoughts and comments of others through the filter of this question: "Is this true, beneficial, and necessary?"  In Jesus' name.  Amen.

God's timing is funny, I actually read Day 38 a couple of days ago, but am just now typing it up.  I know, I know you aren't  As I'm typing this I have been mulling over an annoyance by a friend, which of course isn't processing the comments through the filter in the prayer.  Man there are days I can't wait to get to Glory because I know there I will finally stop putting my foot in my mouth.

Day 37 - I Could Never Give Up That!

"The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control."  Galations 5:22-23a

Thought for the Day:  By God's power, we are empowered.  Humanly speaking, this is impossible.  But with God, everything is possible.

Dear Lord, I don't want to be caught making the statement, "I could never give up that!"  Instead, I want to believe that self-control is possible because of Your strength.  I want each of my decisions today to be made from a heart full of confidence and peace in You.  In Jesus' name.  Amen.

I don't have anything to add to today's Made to Crave Devotional.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Day 36 - I Want Legs Like Hers

"A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones."  Proverbs 14:30

Thought for the Day: Every situation has both good and bad.  When I want someone else's good, I must realize that I'm also asking for the bad that comes along with it.

"...but envy rots the bones."  OUCH!  I'm grateful (not boastful) to say that envy isn't something I struggle with all the time.  Oh I do have moments of struggle with envy, especially on ugly/fat days.  Guys don't understand those days, because no matter what a guy looks like he will look in the mirror & think "I look GOOD!"  I am working on being healthier but I can say for probably the first time in my life, I like the way I look.  Again please don't take that as prideful, because that is not my intent.  Last year the Lord convicted me about being an image bearer of Christ & that my body is a temple.  Well since I am an image bearer of Christ & my body is a temple, it doesn't make since for me to constantly be hatin' on my looks, shape, etc.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Day 35 - You Were Made For More!

Today I'm changing the title of today's entry in the Made to Crave Devotional to I was made for more!

"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, and his incomparably great power for us who believe."  Ephesians 1:18-19a

Thought for the Day:  We were made for more!  More than the failure, more than this vicious cycle of defeat, more than being ruled by our taste buds, body image, rationalizations, and guilt.  We were made for victory.

Dear Lord, thank You for the truth that I am made for more.  Please help me to soak this truth in and to live it out.  Enlighten the eyes of my heart so I may believe and receive what You have for me today.  Show me a new perspective as I seek to honor You with my choices.  In Jesus' name.  Amen

I am grateful that the Lord loves, especially with how stubborn & downright stupid I can be sometimes.  To get something through my thick skull the Lord used a person to put a mirror to the insecurities I tell myself over & over, He used the Miss & Mrs event last night, this devotional & a Christian man I trust to speak some truth to me.  Now of course these people didn't know the Lord was using them, but oh I did!  Even to type the following words I have value are almost tearful for me to type.  Ridiculous I know!  I hate quoting this movie but it is true in Pretty Woman, Julie Roberts' character tells Richard Gere that, "the bad words are easier to believe."  They may be easier to believe, however that doesn't make them true!  I have value as the daughter of the King.  As a person of value I have the right to set boundaries & set stricter ones with those who treat me like I don't have value.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

High Five Friday Coming to You on Tuesday???

This past weekend was soooooooooo crazy busy that I didn't have time to post my High to the Five Friday. Once again thank you to the six people who read my blog for your patience!

1.  My dear friend John had an EIGHT hour surgery on Monday.  Praise God he came out of it well & he was released on Friday to go home!!!

2.  This week was the one year anniversary of my dad's death.  The Lord has provided me with some dear people in my life who came along side me to pray with me, to encourage me & to acknowledge my hurt and sit with me.  One dear friend just sat there on the phone & let me cry.  The Lord has been abundantly gracious to me.

3.  Saturday I worked for Totta Italian Sausage at a local grocery store.  I did a food demo.  If you haven't tried this sausage you are MISSING out!  A. It was great to work! B. It was fun interacting with people and introducing them to a great local product.  C.  I received a surprise visit from a friend and was able to bless them with an introduction to Must-A-Kraut!

4.  Also on Saturday was the celebration of Ross & Chris & their 27th birthdays with a combo Super Hero Birthday Party.
I was the Fictionist, my super power: Unfiction - the power to turn any fiction story true...scary huh?
I made my mask out of make up...that was my fave part of my costume :)

5.  I know it isn't a new thing, but this past week I have been especially grateful for my support system of friends.  A sweet friend in California talking to me late at night about a ridiculous situation.  A pastor checking on me to see how I was handling last week.  Text messages from some of the funniest people I know that seriously made me laugh out loud.  I hope that I can be at least half the encouragement they are to me, to them.

Day 34 - Overweight Physically and Underweight Spiritually

Finally caught up with my posts...I am glad to report that I have been reading the Made to Crave Devotional daily, just not posting about it.

"If you want to be perfect [whole], go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven.  Then come, follow me."  Matthew 19:21

Thought for the Day:  Nothing changes until we make the choice to redirect our misguided cravings to the only one capable of satisfying them.

pg110 "Jesus meant his comment for anyone who wallows in whatever abundance they have.  I imagine Jesus looked straight into this man's soul and said, 'I want you to give up the one thing that you crave more than me."

Dear Lord, I admit that there are plenty of times that I am overweight physically and underweight spiritually.  Help me to give up anything I crave more than You.  I want to redirect my misguided cravings to You because You are the only one capable of satisfying them.  In Jesus' name.  Amen.

To work on redirecting my misguided cravings I have taken to prayer journaling before I go to sleep.  It has been helpful to write out to God what is going on in my head & it has actually been helping me to sleep straight through the night.  I haven't been able to do that on a consistent basis for years like over a decade.  I am grateful that God loves me through my mistakes and my stumbling!

Day 33 - Why Shouldn't I Indulge?

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made."  Psalm 139:14a

Thought for the Day:  In its proper context, eating is not the problem.  God gave us food for nourishment, strength, and even celebration.  the problem comes when pleasure is unrestrained.

Dear Lord, if I'm being honest with myself and You, I know sometimes I rely on food more than I rely on You.  I want to recalibrate my soul and change for the right reasons.  I want to see You in and through this entire process.  Please be with me, Lord, each day.  In Jesus' name. Amen.

Here's the deal, I typically read this devotion in the morning before I start my day, but that didn't happen yesterday.  I read it before I went to bed of course after I made an unhealthy, indulgent decision!!!!!  Man that is ridiculous!

Day 32 - A Deeper Purpose for Exercise

"Therefore, because of you the heavens have withheld their dew and the earth its crops."  Haggai 1:10

Thought for the Day:  If we are really honest, we have to admit: we make time for what we want to make time for.

So I know that I have mentioned more than once that even though the Made to Crave Devotional is about one's journey spiritual journey & where food falls into that, that I am using this devotional in other aspects in my life as well.  What do I want to make time for?  What do I actually make time for?  This reminds of a pastor who said something to the effect that we can say what we believe, but how we live our lives is the true testament of what we believe.  What does my life tell others that I believe?  What does my life tell others, what my priorities are?

Day 31 - The Very Next Step You Take

Today is catch up day for me....

"Just as you used to offer yourselves as slaves to impurity and to ever-increasing wickedness, so now offer yourselves as slaves to righteousness leading to holiness." Romans 6:19

Thought for the Day:  Victory isn't a place we arrive at and then relax.  Victory is when we pick something healthy over something not beneficial for us - again and again.

This really spoke to me about picking the healthier choice.  Not just with food or exercise, but also in relationships.  Choosing to spend one's time with the healthier friendships over the toxic ones.  Also that knowing that we aren't always going to make the healthier choice, but just because we mess up this time doesn't mean we have to mess up next time.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Day 30 - Is It Sustainable?

"Since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God." 2 Corinthians 7:1

Though for the Day:  Holiness doesn't just deal with my spiritual life; it very much deals with my physical life as well.

Today's entry in the Made to Crave Devotional is about sacrifice & discipline....ouch!  Two points Lysa made today:

  1. "We often desire the long-term solution, but shy away from the actions necessary to reach our goal."  I hate to admit it but I totally am like this.  I will then get frustrated with my failure and decide that I'm going to change my ways in every area & take on entirely too much, once again setting myself up for failure.
  2. "Moment by moment we can make the choice to live in our own strength and risk failure or to reach across the gap and grab hold of God's unwavering strength.  And the beautiful thing is, the more dependent we become on God's strength, the less enamored we are with other choices."  Living in my own strength is a constant struggle of mine.  It doesn't make any sense either, because I know I can't do anything apart from God.  But that doesn't stop me from trying!  However I am thankful that He loves me no matter how stubborn & ridiculous I may be.
This morning I was paying bills & stressing over when am I going to find a job?  But then the Lord convicted me about His provision & His timing and how perfect they are.  I need to take things one day at a time, so even though I didn't start the day off that way, I am going to try to finish the day that way.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Day 29 - Conformed or Transformed

"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."
Romans 12:2a

Thought for the Day:  I knew I couldn't be transformed unless I refused to conform.

I struggled for the longest time with being me.  Wanting to dress more sophisticated, trying to dial back my personality, to be honest I really longed to be wall paper...not wanting to be noticed or stand out.  I still will catch myself looking at my feet when I walk sometimes hoping people don't see me.  What woke me up to this battle going on inside me was a conversation with a friend.  I had made the comment that I enjoyed hanging out with so & so because I could just be me.  My friend responded with something to the effect of she thought I should be me all the time.  I really mulled that over, why did I feel like I couldn't be me?  The really tough question: Who am I?  I had been trying to conform & fit into a mold that obviously wasn't made for me that I really  had to take pause & think about my likes & dislikes.  If you have seen the movie Runaway Bride, the main character is forced to face the fact that she is scared and is told by Richard Gere, "You are so scared. You don't even know what kind of eyes you like!"  She later in the movie with the help of her grandmother tries all sorts of egg preparations to find out that she loves Eggs Benedict...yummy.  Sorry back to the post :)  I have had some amazing friends that have encouraged me to be me in style, personality & sense of humor.  Thank you!  I can't explain the way it felt to have the burden of trying to fit into that mold lifted.  I want/desire/long to be the woman God wants me to be!  I don't want to miss out on what He has for me & how He wants to use me.  In order to do that I have to be,!  Funny how that works ;)

I have enjoyed the Made to Crave Devotional, I know that the author is writing about our relationship with food, but I have seen it shed light on all sorts of other areas of my life.

Day 28 - Because I Am Loved

***This posting is from yesterday's reading...I was in an area without Internet for 8 hours..the horror. LOL***

"Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that He may lift you up in due time." 1 Peter 5:6

Thought for the Day:  Doing something in order to be loved is a trap, but doing something because I am loved is incredibly freeing.

AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I have struggled with people pleasing for longer than I care to admit.  However I am happy to report that I now more often times than naught, stop & pray and ask the Lord if He wants me to do something or not.

pg 92, Made to Crave Devotional, "And you want to know what chips away at the security of knowing I am loved?  The noisy lies of the enemy.  He has no love in him; therefore his voice is useless."

Enough said, sister!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Day 27 - When the End Goal Seems Too Hard

"Make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance."  2 Peter 1:5-6

Thought for the Day:  Big things are built one brick at a time.  Victories are achieved one choice at a time.

Today's devotion made me think of the Sunday School song "Little by Little, Inch by Inch"!  I don't know how I allow myself to feel defeated when focused on the end goal instead of today's choices.  The Lord has been working on my heart that I need to be present in the present.  My mind is constantly going and instead of focusing on today I start thinking about all of the possible scenarios that could happen....ridiculous.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Day 26 - How Does Your Garden Grow?

***I find today's Made to Crave Devotional title slightly annoying, because I have been asked or had the words sung to me, "How does your garden grow?"****

"Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and He will establish your plans."  Proverbs 16:3

Thought for the Day:  I wanted the flowers, but not the work.  Isn't that the way it is with many things in life?

Lysa used the illustration of someone's hard work in a garden to reap the reward of beautiful flowers:

  • He had a goal.
  • He had a plan.
  • He worked at it.
  • He sacrificed for it.
It took:

  • Intentionality
  • Sweat Equity
  • Determination
  • Consistency
  • Time
  • Patience
I want to be a woman of God that possess all of these qualities & I want to be a woman of integrity!

Today's Prayer:
Dear Lord, I want to feed on Your truth today.  I commit to turn my focus to You
Help me to plan well, work hard, and sacrifice with intention.
In Jesus' name.  Amen

Day 25 - The Truth Will Set You Free

"The truth will set you free." John 8:32b

Thought for the Day:  The hard reality is, there is no magic pill and there are no quick fixes.

I can't tell you how many times I have looked & longed for a quick fix in all areas of my life!  Right now I am working on healthy choices to mend a wound that came about in a friendship.  This is hard & I have actually prayed to God, asking Him how long will this hurt remain.  I have even thought back on other hurtful relationships & thought okay so that took this long to health so maybe this time it will only take this long.  I know that this line of thought is ridiculous, but hey we all have our ridiculous moments & thoughts...even actions!  Thankfully I have gone to some sisters in Christ with this struggle & they have been encouraging & have had to use some truthful words that I didn't want to hear.  However I am still grateful, because I want to be the woman that God wants me to be.

Day 24 - Undistracted

"But in your hearts revere [set apart] Christ as Lord."  1 Peter 3:15A

Thought for the Day:  Our cravings and distractions are not meant to overwhelm us.  They are meant to show our ability to crave what we need the most.

My key take away from this reading in the Made to Crave Devotional is that every time a desire or anything else that distracts me from God, I need to capture it and turn it into a prayer.  I know that I have said it time & time again, but I am so incredibly grateful to serve a God that loves me no matter what & that I can take anything to Him.  I think of Naomi in the Book of Ruth & how honest she was about where she was spiritually to the point she wanted people to call her Mara (means bitter).  That is some transparency right there!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

High Five Friday!

Hello all!  Yes I know that I am still dragging on posting my High Five Fridays on Friday, but you know you love me anyways!!!

1.  Monday I was feeling a bit under the weather & a friend graciously brought me chicken broth, crackers & Sierra Mist!  Thankfully it was like a 24hour bug or something, maybe I was demon possessed for a short period of time....just kidding about the demon possession.

2.  Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday I was able to spend time with a dear friend helping her with a project.  She is an excellent Titus 2 woman in my life & learn from her every time we are together.

3.  This week I am thankful for Katie & Karman, the Lord has blessed me with these sweet, fun friends!

4.  Prayer!  I'm grateful for friends that you know that you ask them to pray for you & they do!

5.  Friday night was movie night at my house once again.  I have really enjoyed these nights of fellowship, they are always filled with laughter.  

Friday, January 25, 2013

Day 23 - I Need_______

"And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus."  Philippians 4:19

Thought for the Day:  Temptation is an invitation to meet my needs outside the will of God.

Today's reading in the Made to Crave Devotional is another one of those day where I just want to type the whole thing out for you!  However I won't do that but I will share some points that Lysa made.

  • Satan is a liar, who encourages us to fill ourselves with distorted desires...which only results in us filling emptier.
  • God's provision sustains life.  
  • Satan's temptation drains life.
  • God's provision in the short term will reap blessings in the long term.
  • Satan's temptation in the short term will reap heartache in the long term.
  • God's provision satisfies the soul.
  • Satan's temptation gratifies the flesh.
Today's prayer:

Dear Lord, I am reminded once again of how dangerous temptations are, because they invite me to meet my needs outside of Your will.  Keep me from compromising and from justifying today.  I know that only Your provision sustains life and satisfies my soul.  I want this truth to ring loud and clear throughout my day today.  In Jesus' name.  Amen.

Day 22 - A Supernatural Fix

****Day 22 of the Made to Crave Devotional was delayed in posting because I didn't have internet access**

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."  Matthew 11:28

Thought for the Day:  I can only find rest - fresh hope - as I stop resisting God's truths and start applying them.

OUCH! And she goes on to mention that discipline and work are necessary....yuck!  How many times have I wanted God to just take my hurts & struggles away?  More than I can count.  For instance with a current hurt I just keep asking Him how long will this last???  I know it is futile, but I do it time after time and sadly will probably do it again.

Today's prayer:

Dear Lord, I want to wait in calm and patient expectation today.  Please take my exhaustion and turn it into expectation; take my feelings of hopelessness and give me real hope.  I want to stop resisting Your truths and start applying them.  I will do all that I can today, and I will wait with anticipation for all that You will do through me.  In Jesus' name.  Amen.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Day 21 - But Victory Seems So Far Away

"Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."  1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Thought for the Day:  I can't control my circumstances, but I can control my choices.  Setting mini goals - physically and spiritually - positions me for victory.

There is an area of my life that I don't feel very victorious in right now.  However I know that I have started making some positive steps towards it becoming healthier.  After today's reading in the The Made to Crave Devotional, I realized that I need to create a healthy battle - plan.  How am I going to arm myself with scripture when defeating thoughts enter in?  What boundaries am I going to set up to keep things from going back to being toxic?  Who can I count on to help keep me accountable?

Monday, January 21, 2013

SSMT Verse 2

Siesta Scripture Memory Team 

"We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.  It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain."  Hebrews 6:19 NIV84 

Day 20 - Worship

"Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God - this is your true and proper worship."  Romans 12:1

Thought for the Day:  What we fix our attention, heart, and mind on is what we will worship.

With these devotional postings I try to write a personal comment, however today I believe a quote from The Made to Crave Devotional and the prayer Lysa wrote for today is sufficient.

"He's [God] has given me everything, and I don't want to forget.  Not with my mind, not with my soul, not with my heart, and certainly not with my body."

Dear Lord, please help me to identify my inappropriate cravings today.  I offer them back to You and ask You to take them as my act of worship today.  I want to crave You and only You.  In Jesus' name. Amen

Day 19 - Creating New Space for Growth

"Then [Jesus] said to them all: 'Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me."  Luke 9:23

Thought for the Day:  If I want to grow closer to God, I have to distance myself from whatever is distracting me.

During this time of reading the Made to Crave Devotional, I have also been doing the No Other Gods Bible Study by Kelly Minter.  There has been a situation that I have been struggling with and I haven't been able to figure out how to resolve it.  However three different people who are not connected to one another, had the same insight.  So I have started taking steps to remove myself from the situation as much as possible.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

High Five Friday Train Still Running Late

Hello all!  I hope you are ready for a fantastic week.  I will hopefully post next week's High Five on Friday...a girl can dream :

1.  School is in session!!!!  
That is right ladies & gentlemen I am back in school!!!  
Prayers are appreciated!

2.  Miss & Mrs kicked off this past Tuesday.  I am super excited I got to go & can't wait for the next one.  It meets the 1st & 3rd Tuesday of the month.  It is a gathering of women of all ages, where there are opportunities to learn, grow, connect, worship, serve & much more!

3.  Wednesday with Mrs. Moffett...I love this woman!!!  The Lord has blessed me with a very special friend in Mrs. Moffett.  She is an exemplary example of a Proverbs 31 woman, she is honest, encouraging, real, a great cook, fun to laugh with & I always leave our conversations wanting more Jesus!  I hope that one day I can be to younger women, what she has been to me.

4.  This past week has been exciting, but with that said there are some heavy things going on as well.  Thursday night I was able to enjoy an ultra chill dinner, Psych, some laughs, and some time of prayer with a friend that lives out Hebrews 10:24-25 in my life. 
"And let us consider how we may spur one another toward love and good deeds.  Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another - and all the more as you see the Day approaching."

5.  Movie Night was a success!  We had a fun mix of people, yummy snacks,  the movie was emotional roller coaster, some played Jenga, others mocked my need for a movie to have a happy ending, but all & all a great time was had.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Day 18 - Well Pleased

"And a voice from heaven said, 'This is my Son, whom I love; with Him I am well pleased."  Matthew 3:17

Thought for the Day:  Daily, hourly, and moment by moment, I must stand in the reality of my God-given identity.

The prayer she ended today's devotional:
Dear Lord, I don't often feel that You are well pleased with me.  Help me to change my perspective and remember that You love me regardless of what I do.  You loved me before I was even born.  And You are well pleased with me now.  Help me to live like I believe this today.  In Jesus' name. Amen.

Yesterday when I was talking with a mentor friend of mine, and she commented on my self doubt and negative comments toward myself.  She said that she can't wait until I can see myself how God sees me.  Apparently I need to hear this in another way.

Day 17 - The War Against My Soul

"Dear friends, I urge you, as foreigners and exiles, to abstain from sinful desires, which wage war against your soul."  1 Peter 2:11

Thought for the Day:  Being ruled by anything other than God is something He takes quite seriously.  And so should we.

Lysa made a list from Psalm 23 of the things the Lord does for us:  He leads me.  He restores me.  He guides me.  He is with me.  He comforts me.  He fills me.  He satisfies me.

I needed to read those words!

Day 16 - And I Thought There Was No Good

***I have been wrecked by being sick...YUCK***

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose."  Romans 8:28

Thought for the Day:  Whether your issues are the same as mine or not, all of us Jesus girls have struggles of some kind.  We all fall short in some manner.

Struggles.  Struggles.  Struggles.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

High Five Friday!

Happy High Five Friday! I must warn you this will be brief...I'm fighting being sick...yuck!

1.  Book Club!!!  I missed these girls.  Next book "Heaven is For Real."

2.  I had an eventful cup of coffee with a dear sister in Christ!  

3.  Dinner at Lidia's with Jenny, it was a great time of food & talking :) 
(I <3 Gift Cards!)

4.  Grateful for friends!  I have been whipped by being sick...again...yuck!  A friend brought me meds, chicken broth & pretzels....don't ask me why but when I'm sick I prefer pretzels to crackers. 

5.  1/11/13 was National Human Trafficking Awareness Day.  Some friends came over & we watched the documentary Nefarious.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Day 15 - Unsolicited Feedback

"Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.  Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things."  Colossians 3:1-2

Thought for the Day:  Don't let people's compliments go to your head, and don't let their criticisms go to your heart.  The degree to which you do either of these things is the degree to which you'll be ruled by what other people think of you.

Consider the source comes to mind today.  There always seems to be at least one person in whatever season of life I am in that just wants to criticize me.  I just don't get it!  Please don't misunderstand, I do want my friends to speak truth into my life...I just don't want the mean remarks that hit below the belt.  I hope that I'm not a Negative Nancy to those who are around me.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Day 14 - Finish the Work

"I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields!  They are ripe for harvest."  John 4:35B

Thought for the Day:  Food can fill my stomach but never my soul.

Lysa brought up something for us to remember:
"Food can fill our stomachs but never our souls.
Possessions can fill our houses but never our hearts.
Sex can fill our nights but never our hunger for love.
Children can fill our days but never our identities."

There have been some conversations in the past few days that have been stressful & frustrating.  I ate before they took place (I'm not skilled enough to do that on purpose, that's just how the timing worked out) and I noticed once I hung up that I wanted to eat.  I really had to sit there & think am I hungry or am I wanting comfort?  I was wanting comfort (rolling eyes at myself)!  I am thankful this time I can say that I took my frustrations to God & repeated Scripture & those cravings subsided!!!  Now I know that this is something I will continue to battle, and I will fail, but I hope to persevere.

Monday, January 7, 2013

First High Five Friday of 2013...a couple of days late...

Okay so things this weekend were more than a tad busy & that is why this post is delayed.  Thank you for your understanding & forgiveness ;)

1.  Bring it 2013!  I hosted a NYE party at my house for my Sunday School Class...good times!  We played some games, enjoyed some food & sparkling grape juice, and enjoyed an eclectic playlist by Gatlin.


2.  Tuesday I had lunch with two lovely friends.  We were talking so much that me left The Fig Tree, and finished up at Starbucks...yummy :)  I then had my first dinner of 2013 with a dear family and then went home to bed because I was wiped

3.  My darling niece Jade turned 5!!!  She is officially a whole hand now people!!!  I was able to talk & sing to her on the really is a shame that Philly is 19 hours away...

4.  Exodus Cry hosted Abolition Summit 2013 from January 2-4.  Check this ministry out & please pray for the work they are doing in the lives of these women & children.  I'm grateful that I was able to attend, there was so much information to take brain was on overload.  The speaker's words that keep coming back to me are those of Annie Lobert, the founder of Hookers for Jesus.  She spoke from personal experience in the sex industry & also gave some important information to consider before making the commitment to help these women.  I was also fortunate enough to experience the last night with some friends.  

5.  Saturday I had the pleasure of hanging out with my buddy, Eugene.  We went to the City Market for veggies & enjoyed lunch at Hien Vuong AND THEN I introduced him to Trader Joe's!!!!

Day 13 - Honestly

I am picking up where I left off in The Made to Crave Devotional, with Day 13.  I took an unplanned 5 day break!

"Be diligent in these matters; give yourself wholly to them, so that everyone may see your progress."  1 Timothy 4:15

Thought for the Day:  It is possible to rise up, do battle with our issues, and, using the Lord's strength in us, defeat them - spiritually, physically, and mentally - to the glory of God.

Lysa talked about the battle of change & how there are three areas to that battle: Spiritually, Physically, & Mentally.  I was talking with a friend last night about being grateful that I can take anything to God!  I don't know how I would be heal from my issues if I wasn't able to pray & ask for God's help & grace with my struggles.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Day 12 - Emotional Emptiness

I am on Day 12 in the Made to Crave Devotional on the 1st day of 2013.

"Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him." Psalm 34:8

Thought for the Day: Somewhere behind all of the numbers, a less measurable force is at work within me.  It takes the form of emptiness or lack.

Today Lysa brought up the that we aren't our mistakes.  I needed to read that this morning.  As we start a new year, I look back at 2012 and it is hard not to dwell on the bad choices, missed opportunities, hurts, etc.  I can't change the past, but I can choice to repent, learn from it and continue to grow in Christ.  That is exactly what I want for 2013.  I know there will be bad choices made, missed opportunities, hurts, etc; but I can't let them govern my every hour!

Siesta Scripture Memory Verse Team

I'm starting the new year off as a Siesta!  Beth Moore is encouraging women to memorize 24 Bible verses this year (2 a month).  We are to post on the Living Proof Blog post the 1st & 15th of every month.  My first verse of 2013:
"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is worthy of respect, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if something is excellent or praiseworthy, think about these things."  Philippians 4:8 NET